Analytical Tools


The Dashboard lets you know the different statuses of the ports. It includes LINK-UP/LINK-DOWN, the speed of the connection, etc. In the form of clustered bar charts, you can see the PPS (parts per second) rate of individual ports for transmission and reception. Thes both rates are represented as Transmitting Port Broadcast Rate and Receiving Port Broadcast Rate respectively.

The CPU usage metric on the dashboard indicates the percentage of processing power being utilized by the device. It helps network administrators monitor the workload on the switch and identify potential performance bottlenecks. High CPU usage may indicate excessive traffic, a misconfiguration, or a potential security threat. By monitoring this metric, administrators can take appropriate actions to optimize performance, redistribute traffic, or investigate any anomalies.

The memory usage metric shows the amount of memory being utilized by the switch. It helps administrators monitor resource consumption and ensure that sufficient memory is available for smooth network operations. High memory usage can lead to degraded performance, packet drops, or even system crashes. By tracking memory usage, administrators can identify memory leaks, adjust memory allocation, or optimize device settings to improve overall stability.

The LED indicators present in the corner shows the status of the SWITCH in real-time.

Diagnostic Tools

Diagnostic tools from SWITCH 4008GT help network administrators monitor and troubleshoot network connectivity, performance, and security. These diagnostic tools play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the network. The tools from SWITCH 4008GT are:

In Alarm, you can find the information on the status of the alarm outs and the reasons for them. The DIP Switch settings can also be managed from here.

Port-Based Mirroring is used on a network switch to send a copy of network packets sent/received on one switch port to a network monitoring connection on another switch port (Destination Port). It enables administrators to capture and inspect traffic for troubleshooting, network monitoring, or security analysis purposes. By analyzing mirrored traffic, network administrators can identify network performance issues, monitor for suspicious activity, or analyze application-specific traffic patterns.

Various options like Port Statistics, Port Utilization and Syslog are also present. Port Statistics and Utilization provides various statistics on the data transmitted/recieved in terms of packets, bps, percentage etc. These diagnostic tools enable network administrators to proactively monitor the network, identify and resolve issues promptly, optimize performance, and maintain a secure and reliable network infrastructure. By leveraging these tools effectively, administrators can ensure smooth network operation and minimize downtime. Syslog logs messages generated by various network devices of vearious events that take place in a network timeline. It helps administrators monitor network health, troubleshoot issues, detect security threats, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Port Link Down Statistics refers to the information and metrics related to the status and occurrences of link failures or disconnections on individual ports of Ethernet switches. Some key aspects of port link-down statistics:

  • Port Status: The dashboard displays the current status of each port, indicating whether it is linked up (active) or linked down (inactive).
  • Link Down Events/ Error Counters: Port link-down statistics provide information on the number of times a particular port has experienced a link-down event. This includes instances when the physical link between the switch and the connected device is disconnected or encounters a failure.
  • Historical Trends: This allows administrators to identify patterns, track improvements or deteriorations over time, and make informed decisions to optimize network connectivity and reliability.

Network Management

Network management in switches involves the administration, monitoring, and control of the switch infrastructure to ensure its efficient operation, optimal performance, and security. SWITCH 4008GT facilitates SNMP versions. SNMPv3 provides a more robust and secure framework for managing Ethernet switches and other network devices. It ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of SNMP communication, making it the recommended version for network management in modern environments.

  • Authentication: SNMPv3 supports authentication using cryptographic algorithms such as HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA. It ensures that messages exchanged between SNMP devices are not tampered with and come from trusted sources.
  • Encryption: SNMPv3 supports data encryption using encryption algorithms like DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This ensures that SNMP messages remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access.
  • Access Control: SNMPv3 offers access control mechanisms based on user-based security model (USM). It allows network administrators to define user profiles with specific access rights and permissions, enabling granular control over SNMP operations.

SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is a simplified time synchronization protocol used in computer networks to ensure consistent timekeeping across devices. It helps maintain accurate timestamps, supports time-dependent applications, aids in network management, security, and troubleshooting tasks. In SWITCH 4008GT it is introducted for the purpose of time synchronization, to reguate the client-server architecture for time adjustments, to coordinate operations between distributed systems, to facilitate logging and auditing across multiple devices, aids in security-related tasks such as timestamping events, and supports time-dependent protocols and applications.

Configuration Tools

Port Settings

The Port Configuration section displays the various ports available on your switch. Each port is assigned a unique numerical identifier. From this particular section of the GUI, the data transmission between the various ports can be controlled. The state column indicates weather the particular port is enabled or not. The Speed column indicates the data transmission and reception speed for each port, typically measured in Mbps or Gbps and 'duplex' in the column specifies the communication mode of the port, whether it can transmit and receive data simultaneously (Full Duplex) or only perform one operation at a time (Half Duplex). Using this you can control the activities of the port. Flow control is crucial for managing data flow between devices connected to the switch. In the Flow Control Settings section, you can control the flow control behavior for each port. The table displays the port number, along with the options to enable or disable flow control for both sending and receiving data.

A network loop occurs when there is a redundant or unintended connection between network devices, causing data to continuously circulate within the loop and resulting in a broadcast storms and disrupt network connectivity. This can severely impact network performance and stability. Loop detection, as the name suggests, detects the loops in the network and therefore lets you preventing and configuring them. Recovery state represents the current state of the network in terms of connectivity, stability, and operational status after a failure or disruption has occurred. Recovery time is the duration required for a network or a network component to return to a fully operational and functional state after a failure or disruption. Recovery time includes activities such as identifying and diagnosing the cause of the failure, implementing necessary corrective measures, re-establishing network connections, and ensuring the network is stable and operational.

The 802.1p priority feature allows network administrators to assign different levels of priority to different types of network traffic. By assigning priorities, it becomes possible to prioritize certain types of traffic over others, ensuring that critical or time-sensitive data is transmitted with minimal delay or interruption.

VLAN and Port Isolation

With SWITCH 4008GT users can configure and create VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks). A VLAN has the same attributes as a physical LAN, but it allows for end stations to be grouped together even if they are not located on the same network switch which means, logical segmentation of a physical network into multiple virtual networks. By using VLANs, network administrators can achieve network segmentation, improve network performance, and enhance security. VLANs can be used to separate different departments within an organization, isolate guest networks from internal networks, or prioritize traffic for specific applications or users. The user friendly and easy to use dashboard of SWITCH 4008GT user can configure a maximum of 5 VLANs on each interface in the format 1,3,7,10,25. This product is also capable of port trunking which means it is capable of carrying traffic for multiple VLANs simultaneously.

Port isolation feature is typically implemented within a single VLAN. By enabling port isolation on specific switch ports, network administrators can restrict the communication between devices within that VLAN.

When port isolation and VLANs are used together, they provide a powerful combination for network security and traffic control. Port isolation restricts communication between devices on the same switch port, while VLANs enable logical separation and control of traffic between different groups of devices.

Firmware Update and Configuration

SWITCH 4008GT comes with a feature where users are allows to save their desired configuartion on a switch and regular upadtes for the firmware are provided as well. The importance of the following are:

  • Security Update: Network security is an evolving theme. It gets better and better with time and it is imprtant to have the latest security features on the device. By updating the firmware, you ensure that your switch has the latest security enhancements, reducing the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, or network compromises. It helps protect your network and connected devices from potential threats.
  • Bug Fixes and Stability: Firmware updates address bugs, stability issues, or performance optimizations. It helps maintain the stability and performance of your network infrastructure and enhances the features and introduces new functionalities to the switch.

  • Configuration Persistence: Saving the configuration of your switch is crucial to preserve your network settings and customized configurations. By saving the configuration, you can restore the switch to its desired state after a firmware update or in case of a system failure. It simplifies the recovery process and minimizes the time and effort required to reconfigure the switch manually.

  • Regulatory Compliance: In some industries, regulatory standards and compliance requirements may mandate regular firmware updates and configuration backups. By adhering to these requirements, you demonstrate a commitment to network security, data protection, and industry best practices.

Security Tools

Network Access Control Protocol IEEE 802.1X

IEEE 802.1X or EAPOL (Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN), is a network access control protocol that provides port-based authentication for devices attempting to connect to a local area network (LAN) or a wired network switch.

With 802.1X, our switch ensures that your network remains secure by allowing only authorized devices to connect and access valuable resources and provides robust port-based authentication, giving you full control over who can join your network. This feature acts as a gateway, allowing access to the network only after successful authentication.

  • With 802.1X, only devices with valid and verified credentials can join your network. This eliminates the risk of malicious actors infiltrating your network infrastructure.
  • User accountability is another advantage of our 802.1X feature. Each user's credentials are tied to their network connection, allowing you to track and monitor individual user activities. This level of transparency aids in identifying potential security breaches and ensuring compliance with your organization's policies.
  • Moreover, our switch enables you to enforce stringent security policies. You can require the use of strong passwords, regular password changes, or the utilization of digital certificates for heightened security. These policies contribute to a robust security posture for your network.
  • The port-based control provided by 802.1X ensures that even if an unauthorized device is physically connected to our switch, it remains isolated until successful authentication occurs. This prevents unauthorized access and strengthens your network's defenses.
  • With our 802.1X feature, you can provide temporary network access to visitors or contractors, while maintaining a secure network environment. Guest users can be granted limited access privileges, keeping your critical resources protected.
  • Our product's integration with an authentication server, such as a RADIUS server, offers centralized management capabilities. You can efficiently manage user accounts and authentication policies from a single point, ensuring consistent security enforcement across your network.

Port Security

Port Security further bolster the network security. Port Security enables you to restrict access to a specific switch port by controlling the number and type of devices that can connect to it.

With Port Security, you can define and enforce rules to ensure that only authorized devices are allowed to connect to a designated port. This feature helps prevent unauthorized devices from gaining access to your network and protects against potential security breaches.

  1. Authorized Device Control: Port Security allows you to specify the MAC addresses of authorized devices that are permitted to connect to a particular port. This prevents unauthorized devices from connecting to the network and helps maintain a trusted device inventory.

  2. Limiting Device Connections: You can set a maximum limit on the number of devices that can be connected to a port. This ensures that only a predetermined number of devices can access the network through that specific port, preventing unauthorized or excessive connections.

  3. MAC Address Learning: Port Security learns and stores the MAC addresses of connected devices. If an unauthorized device attempts to connect to a secured port, it can be detected and denied access based on its unrecognized MAC address, providing an additional layer of protection.

  4. Security Violation Actions: When a security violation occurs, such as an unauthorized device attempting to connect or multiple devices exceeding the allowed limit, Port Security can be configured to take specific actions. These actions may include shutting down the port, generating an alert, or notifying network administrators, helping to identify and address security incidents promptly.

  5. Protection against MAC Spoofing: Port Security helps guard against MAC address spoofing, where an attacker attempts to impersonate an authorized device by using its MAC address. By verifying the authenticity of MAC addresses, Port Security prevents such spoofing attempts and maintains the integrity of your network.

Access Control List

Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide granular control over network traffic, allowing you to filter and control communication based on specific criteria, enhancing network security and protecting against unauthorized access.

With ACLs, you have the ability to filter and control network traffic based on various criteria, such as source IP addresses, destination IP addresses, protocols, ports, and more. This granular control empowers you to permit or deny specific types of traffic, effectively protecting your network from unauthorized or potentially malicious activity.

  1. Traffic Filtering: ACLs enable you to filter network traffic based on specific conditions. By defining rules, you can allow or deny traffic flow between different network segments, subnets, or individual devices. This helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive resources and mitigates the risk of attacks or data breaches.

  2. Protection against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: ACLs can be configured to identify and block traffic associated with known DoS attack patterns. By dropping or rate-limiting malicious traffic, ACLs help maintain network availability and protect critical services from being overwhelmed by malicious requests.

  3. Network Segmentation: ACLs facilitate network segmentation by allowing you to control communication between different segments. By separating devices into logical groups, you can restrict access to sensitive data and limit lateral movement in the event of a security breach. This containment strategy enhances network security and reduces the potential impact of a breach.

  4. Application Control: ACLs can be utilized to regulate specific applications or services by filtering traffic based on protocols and ports. For example, you can block or allow access to certain applications or ports, such as restricting peer-to-peer file sharing or permitting only authorized communication channels. This helps enforce security policies and minimize the attack surface of your network.

  5. Fine-Grained Access Control: ACLs allow you to define access permissions at a detailed level. You can specify which devices or IP addresses are allowed to communicate with specific network resources. This level of control helps enforce the principle of least privilege, ensuring that only authorized devices or users can access critical assets.

  6. Traffic Prioritization: ACLs can prioritize certain types of traffic over others, ensuring that critical applications or services receive the necessary bandwidth and resources. By assigning priority levels to specific traffic flows, you can optimize network performance and maintain service availability even during periods of high utilization.

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